The A/C settings are too low in the gym

I personally feel like the A/C settings in my new gym are just way too low.

I don’t know why the guys who run the place like to keep the air conditioning turned down so low when everyone there is actually trying to break a sweat.

It just doesn’t make any sense to me. I personally would prefer it if it was hot inside of the gym because that way I could sweat a lot more a lot faster. That’s my whole point in going to the gym in the first place, after all. I really don’t get it, but I guess most of the people who are members of the gym feel like the temperature settings are fine. I just don’t like it being so cold there though. I guess it’s just a personal thing, but I would prefer to go to a gym that has no heating and cooling system in it at all. I mean, I would like it to have a ventilation system at least, but some kind of fan system would be perfectly fine with me. There just really doesn’t need to be any air conditioning in the gym. I guess there is probably a need for a heating system in the winter, but the air conditioning in the summer is a whole separate issue. I don’t like going in there, getting sweaty, and then freezing because the air conditioning is blowing down on my head. I love working out, but the A/C settings are just too low in the gym. I don’t know what I’m going to do about it. I may have to completely switch gyms if they don’t start adjusting the temperature.


Ductless mini split

The air conditioning is always set very low in our house

My family and I like to keep the air conditioning settings super low during the summer time.

Actually, we keep it pretty cold in our house most of the time because none of us like to be hot. We all like to keep the temperature settings around 64 degrees most of the time, which is way too cold for most people who come over to our house to visit. Our friends and family who come over to visit are always saying how cold it is in our house. We do like to have people over, and so we have decided that we’re going to start leaving out a guest basket by the front door so that people who come to see us can put on their fuzzy slippers and a warm sweater so they can enjoy their visit at our home. I know this sounds kind of silly, but it’s really become an issue with some of the people in our family. My sister says that she’s not coming back over to our house till the winter because she can’t stand the fact that it’s so cold in our house. I think that she’s really taking it a little bit too far. I don’t think it’s all that cold, but I guess some people are just more cold blooded than other people are. Anyway, from now on, if you want to come into our house and you think the A/C settings are too cold, then you are more than welcome to grab a sweater and some fuzzy socks or slippers from our new welcome basket.

ductwork cleaning

My friend had a dinner party last week

My friend had a dinner party last week, and it ended up being a disaster because her air conditioning broke down.

It was her first real party in her new apartment, and I felt really bad for her because she had worked really hard on all of the food and the menu and everything.

She must have called me a dozen times to ask me if I thought that the menu was just right, and she even called a wine connoisseur to find out if he thought that the wine was the right pairing for the meal. She was really serious about this dinner party and I think she really wanted it to be her first real grown up event at her new apartment. I knew that she was really working hard on it, but I did not pay attention to the fact that she was having issues with her air conditioning system. She had mentioned it in passing, but I did not think to tell her that it would be really important to have the air conditioning fixed before she had people over. I knew that this would be really important, but I just didn’t think about it at the time. I really regretted that once I went over for the party itself though. It was so hot inside of her apartment that we were all just miserable. Since the air conditioning wasn’t working, the place was really humid, and there was no way for her to open up the windows because we were in a high rise. I felt terrible for her because she had really wanted everything to be perfect. Everything was perfect except for the fact that we were all miserable without the air conditioning.


heating and cooling

Nan had all kinds of stuff inside of her ductwork

The other day when I went over to my friend Nan’s house, I was shocked when I saw her air conditioning vents.

Nan is not exactly the best housekeeper in the world, and that is a definite understatement.

Her house is a complete mess, and having a lot of animals in there is not helping things, either. She has three big dogs and there is dog hair everywhere. I went over to her house to water her plants for her and to let the dogs out while she was stuck at work that day. I had not been in her house in a long time. The state of the house had gone downhill tremendously since I had been there last. Anyway, I noticed while I was refilling the water dishes for the dogs that the air conditioning came on. However, the air vents did not have any cold air coming out of them. The kitchen was really hot and stuffy and so I started thinking that maybe there was something blocking the air conditioning vents in there. I moved the table over to make sure that nothing was blocking the air vent and when I did, the table leg hit the air register. It came out of the hole and that’s when I saw that the entire air duct was full of dog hair! It was really no wonder that there was no air conditioning coming out the air vent. On top of the hair, there was also a sock and a hair scrunchy! I couldn’t believe it when I saw it.



hvac serviceman

It feels like it has taken forever for me to get to this point

Being out in the field and watching him work and getting my hands dirty, so to speak, has been really beneficial in my training

It feels like it has taken forever for me to get to the point where I am going to be able to work by myself as an HVAC technician. I have been in training for quite some time now and at one point, I started to think that I wasn’t going to be able to do this job. I thought that it was outside the realm of possibility for me because there was just so much for me to learn. I am basically a mechanically minded person, and so things like that tend to come easily for me for the most part. For some reason or another, though, it has been harder for me to learn about heating and cooling technology. I guess that there’s just so much to learn that I was a little bit overwhelmed when I first started going to school to get my HVAC certification. I felt like I was never going to learn everything in a million years. However, I have been working in training with a seasoned HVAC technician for the past three months now, and I have learned more in my on the job training with him than I have ever learned at school. Being out in the field and watching him work and getting my hands dirty, so to speak, has been really beneficial in my training. Now, I feel like I am almost ready to do my own air conditioning installations and repairs. I can hardly wait to be out on my own and to get my own customers. I’m really excited about the fact that this is going to be my career from now on.


air conditioner