I’ve always preferred the air quality and temperature control at the barber shop

I have been going to the barber shop for the longest time.

  • My friends kept telling me over the years that I should grow out my hair, but honestly I preferred just shaving everything off.

My barber doesn’t charge me a lot of money for my haircut either, but I always give the man a fair tip. I had to tell the man after awhile one particular reason why I loved his barber shop so much. I explained it was because of the good air quality and nice temperature control settings in the place. Even if I had to wait a long while to get my turn to have my haircut, I didn’t mind waiting. There were plenty of magazines for reading and there was always a tv on so it wasn’t like I ever felt bored while waiting there. Not to mention, the guys in the barber shop always had interesting conversations. I even learned about investing in bitcoin back then which paid off a lot because it was very cheap when I invested in it. I ended up selling everything and made a sizable profit. The owner of the barber shop told me that long ago, he decided to invest in a powerful UV air purification system. He wanted to do this to attract more clients because who doesn’t appreciate nice air quality? I knew the man had some of the best air quality over the years, but I didn’t realize that he also had a UV light working to kill harmful pathogens. That makes me feel even more comfortable about always going there for my haircuts and I have recommended this barber shop to all my buddies.


air purification help

I ended up getting a tick on my leg and it made me feel sick

This past weekend, I was helping my son with his batting practice.

I would pitch the ball and he would hit it.

Well, I didn’t expect him to hit a homerun because he slammed the ball so far, it went flying into the neighbor’s property. Now our neighbor has a huge amount of land and the ball went into the creek that flows on his land. My son said he would get it, but I told him we better ask the neighbor to make sure it was alright. The neighbor said he didn’t have a problem, but he warned me to be careful when retrieving the ball because I could trip over some debris or a hole or something. He also said he didn’t want to be sued for me injuring myself on his land. I told him I would be careful and it was a little tricky, but I was able to get down to the creek and get the ball back. It was so hot outside and I told him I needed a break in the AC for a little while and then we would get right back to batting practice. The AC in the house felt so refreshing but when I looked down at my leg, I realized that I had a tick already burrowed into my leg. I had to get my wife to help me get the tick out carefully. I was just hoping that I wouldn’t get lyme disease even though the tick hadn’t been drinking my blood for very long. Still, I felt sick and woozy and apologized to my son. I told him I had to relax in the AC for the rest of the day and we could practice his batting swings another day while I rested with the AC system blasting.


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My buddies and I have been playing this game for years

A few years ago, my buddies introduced me to this new battle royale game.

  • It involved landing on a huge map and searching for weapons and other tools to fight your way to the end.

There is a storm that slowly closes in on random places of the map and if you don’t move and keep out of the storm, you die. This of course forces everybody to eventually face each other as they travel across the map. You can play by yourself with a buddy, or with a lot of friends. My buddies and I started playing as squads all the time, and we got pretty good at this game. I always told everybody that I had to adjust the temperature control settings while I was playing at my home. Everybody told me that I needed to invest in a smart thermostat so that I didn’t have to get up to adjust the temperature control settings. They said I could just use my phone or even connect to an Alexa device to say what I wanted the temperature control settings to be. They said it was so much easier and the smart thermostat would even save me a lot of money on the energy bills. I wasn’t so sure about that, but I ended up buying a smart thermostat. It was easy to install and ever since buying the thing, life really was a lot easier. I can’t even imagine not being able to use my phone these days to adjust the temperature control settings, and I can do this from anywhere I am so long as my phone is connected to the internet. To this day, we still enjoy playing this game all the time, it’s a game we just don’t get sick of playing.

a/c rep

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have holes drilled through my outer walls

I was ultra paranoid when the HVAC professional was telling me about getting a ductless multi-split installation.

He made it sound really good with multiple zones of customized comfort, but when I realized there would be holes drilled through the walls to the outside, I took a pause.

I had to ask again how many holes needed to be drilled like that and the HVAC professional had to remind me that it depends on the amount of zones I wanted in the house. There would be one hole per zone so that the line sets can go through the wall and be connected to the outdoor condenser unit. I wasn’t sure what to do because the ductwork in my home was open and leaking in too many places. I knew that was going to be very expensive to repair. I also wasn’t sure if I liked the idea of having holes drilled through my walls. The HVAC professional assured me they would cover the line sets and have everything sealed so nothing from outside would be able to get into my home. That was reassuring, but I still felt nervous. I also wondered if they could mess up and suddenly I would have ruined walls, but the HVAC professional said they were all NATE certified experts, so I really had nothing to worry about. They also provided a guarantee that the installation would be done right, or else the HVAC system would be free and they would pay for any damages caused. That guarantee made me feel better and I went for the installation. I don’t know what I was so worried about, the new HVAC system is perfect and my energy bills are super low now!

AC filter

I’m a fan of being able to breathe

I’m the kind of guy who likes to be able to breathe wherever I choose to go.

If I’m going to a restaurant, they better have good air quality or I will turn around and go find a better restaurant where they know how to take good care of their HVAC equipment and provide good air quality for their customers. There actually were a few times when this actually happened. I think my wife was embarrassed when I made a huge fuss about the air quality. I pointed out that there was dust floating around in the air and I can’t stand that, it’s one of my pet peeves. If dust is floating around, that means I’m breathing it in and it’s getting into my food so I have to eat it as well. I use HEPA filters at home, so why can’t places like that invest in better air filters for improved air quality? Is it too much to ask for? Well, in my opinion, places like that don’t deserve anybody’s business, and I won’t be giving them any for certain. Most of the time, I prefer cooking at home. This way, I can take special care with preparing the right portions and getting the flavors just right. My wife and I enjoy cooking together often and I think most of our children appreciate our cooking. Our youngest one still wants to go and get fast food, but we try to tell the children to keep away from junk like that, because it’s not good for your health in the slightest!


HVAC home services